– Successfully preventing a well-known lender from selling a property after possession order obtained.
– Successfully preventing the repossession of a valuable rented property at very short notice and negotiating a 3 month extension of occupation.
– Defending court proceedings taken by well-known pub owners against tenant of licensed premises and securing settlement terms.
– Recovering significant damages in court proceedings for flight delay cancellation against a major airline.
– Advising on £2m new-build construction dispute.
– Advising expert witness in fees dispute for over £50,000 with well-known solicitors and representing client at mediation.
– Defending a fraud claim over £1m and acting for other clients to recover sums defrauded by family member.
– Appealing against a surveyor’s award under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996.
– Disputing commercial and private rent deposits.
– Successfully requiring the removal of defamatory publications on social media platforms – in the UK and abroad.
– Setting aside default Judgment affecting credit rating and removing from Register of Judgments.
– Acting as a mediator in a long-standing family dispute regarding inheritance, settled at mediation.
– Defending court proceedings taken against client for repayment of a family loan
– Disputing substantial fees claimed by well-known garage for repairs to a rally car.