If you are searching for a solicitor, you are probably unclear about how you stand legally in relation to something at home, at work or in your business life. Firm, experienced guidance is essential. In these circumstances, it makes sense to seek the best advice available. Do not rely on unqualified or inexperienced advisers who may offer a cheap deal but may well let you down and prove more costly in the long run either through lack of skill and expertise and/or hidden extras.
At Charsley Harrison LLP in Windsor, you will only ever be represented by a qualified solicitor, or an experienced conveyancing executive, and a partner will oversee your case at every stage.
Keep in mind that our specialist advice does not necessarily cost more than advice from less experienced lawyers. In some areas like conveyancing and commercial property, we will carry out work for a fixed fee. In other areas, we offer highly competitive rates. If you are interested in doing some work yourself to reduce costs, we are happy to accommodate and assist you in this regard.